Lent is a time of preparation for Easter – when God rescued and redeemed His children through Jesus’ suffering, death, and victory. It begins on Ash Wednesday on March 5 and leads us on a 40-day journey toward Easter Sunday on April 20.

While Easter is widely celebrated, many of us have never set aside time to observe the entire season of Lent. Yet, this season offers us a profound opportunity to slow down, examine our hearts, and remember our dependence on God’s mercy. Each day, we are invited to direct our attention to the only thing that truly satisfies our deepest longings – Jesus Christ. 

As we do each Lent, our church family will gather to observe Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We hope that you will join us.

Ash Wednesday - March 5

A time to remind us of our mortality and need for repentance.

5 & 6:30 PM Services in the Sanctuary

Registered Children’s Classes
• 5 PM Registration
• 6:30 PM Registration


A time to remember Jesus’ last meal with His disciples and His command to love and serve one another.

5:00 & 6:30 PM Services in the Sanctuary

Registered Children’s Classes
• 5 PM Registration Coming Soon

GOOD FRIDAY - April 18

A time of reflection on the depth of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

12:00 PM Service in the Sanctuary

No Children’s Classes


A celebration of Christ’s resurrection, hope, and our new life.

8:00 & 10:00 AM Services at Avondale Park’s Amphitheater

Registered Children’s Classes
• 8 AM Registration Coming Soon

Sound & Season

Throughout Lent, Sound & Season will release weekly episodes each Sunday morning to help guide our hearts and minds in reflection. We invite you to set aside a few minutes each week to meditate on God’s Word and pray that He would meet us in this season by His Spirit. As the Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 5:15-16, may we make the most of this time, drawing closer to the hope we have in Christ.

Each episode will conclude with a companion musical piece composed one of Redeemer’s members. These original compositions are designed to create intentional space for reflection, helping us slow down, dwell in Scripture, and orient our hearts toward Christ.

You can find them on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Easter Sunday

This Easter Sunday, we'll gather outdoors in Avondale Park's amphitheater for two services at 8:00 and 10:00 AM. We hope you join us as we praise our Risen King.

  • If you haven't been to the amphitheater before, it is a terraced area in the back of Avondale Park near the lake. The seating area is mostly grass and will likely be damp, so we encourage you to bring camping chairs or a thick blanket.

  • The park has limited parking availability, and we expect it to fill quickly. It is only a block from the church, so parking in our lots is an easy option. If you plan on parking in the neighborhood surrounding the park, please respect driveways. 

  • As usual, children are welcome in our services. Our Children's Ministry will have registered children’s programming during the 8 AM service (registration coming soon). If you have registered your children for classes, please drop them off at the church before walking to the park.