Visit Redeemer

If you do not have a household of faith where you regularly worship and serve, we would love to have you visit one of our Sunday worship gatherings!

In his letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul referred to a church as the household of God. We hold this mindset when we talk about our life together at Redeemer.  

We have sought to keep our worship gatherings as simple as our beginnings as a house church in 2008. That said, we know visiting a church can bring on anxiety, especially if you are a new Christian or interested in learning more about the Christian faith. Below is some information about our church family that we hope helps you consider visiting and worshiping with us. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.



Christmas & New Year SChedule

Here are the changes to our service schedule over Christmas.

  • December 22 - Normal service times at 8 AM, 9:40 AM, 11:15 AM, and 4 PM. No children’s ministry will be provided at the 8 AM service.  

  • December 29 - Two services at 9:40 and 11:15 AM. We will offer registered children's classes at the 9:40 AM service.

  • January 5 - Our normal service schedule resumes.

Sunday SChedule (Resuming January 5)

8 AM

Children’s classes for infants - 5th grade

9:40 AM

Children’s classes for infants - 6th grade

Club 56 for 5th & 6th graders on
select Sundays

11:15 AM

Children’s classes for infants - 5th grade

4:00 PM

Children’s classes for 18 months - 5th grade



We’re located just off of the main street of Avondale, a neighborhood just outside of downtown Birmingham. Our sanctuary was constructed in 1914 and originally housed the South Avondale Baptist Church.

Additionally, we utilize a few buildings around our sanctuary for classes, gatherings, and offices.

4002 4th Avenue South

Bray House
3931 3rd Avenue South

Grace House
3934 4th Avenue South

4th & Spring
400 41st Street South, Suite 101

Hobson House
4003 3rd Avenue South

Redeemer Kids Building
4018 4th Avenue South



While we have a few visitor spots in front of the church, they can quickly fill up. There are a few parking areas available for use every Sunday. 

  • Rear Parking Lot: There is a large lot behind the main church building. We recommend entering off 3rd Ave South.

  • Front of the Church: There is a large gravel lot across the street from the front entry of the church. We recommend entering off 4th Ave South.

  • Street Parking: If lots are full, you're welcome to park on the street. Please be careful to avoid blocking residential driveways. We try to put orange cones up to help make those driveways more visible.



We understand that part of being comfortable often involves knowing what others might be wearing. Most of our attendees wear casual clothing, like jeans and a shirt. You'll often see a few dresses and collared shirts, too. We rarely see formal attire, though we welcome them all the same. 

Feel free to come as you are. We would rather you spend more time preparing your hearts for worship than preparing your attire.


Kid's Ministry

We are committed to providing a safe and fun atmosphere for all children. The Children's Ministry check-in desk is downstairs, most easily accessible via a door under the covered awnings on the side of our church. We encourage you to take a look at our Redeemer Kids page for more information!



Our services typically last an hour and ten minutes. We usually begin with an opening scripture, sing songs of worship, hear the Word of God preached, and then close with songs and scripture. On the last Sunday of every month, we celebrate communion together.


Worship in Song

Our worship band is comprised of volunteers who lead our church family in song. You'll likely hear a mix of classic hymns and more recent pieces in various styles and with a variety of instruments. It is a reflection of our diverse mix of incredibly talented musicians.



Redeemer Community Church does not belong to a formal denomination. To learn more about our theological beliefs and convictions, please see our Beliefs page.


Next Steps

Interested in the next steps towards membership or want to find out more about Redeemer? We encourage everyone to start with a New to Redeemer Dinner at the Brooks’ home. You can find out more here.