
You Are Sent

Before Jesus left this earth, he made sure his followers knew their purpose. “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). As God’s children, we are sent people – sent to seek the welfare of the city (Jeremiah 29:7) and sent to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Jesus' plan for global redemption includes every believer bringing about gospel transformation wherever they live.

“World evangelization requires the whole Church to take the whole Gospel to the whole world.” ~Lausanne Covenant

Our prayer at Redeemer is to empower every member into lifelong kingdom impact. We strive to accomplish this through Growing and Serving.

In order to learn more about how Redeemer accomplishes this vision, we encourage you to come to our next Discover Your Role Class.


What is Your Role?


Discover your role in God’s global story.
Wondering where to start?
Check out Classes below!

Develop as an effective disciple-maker.
Wondering where to start?
Check out Training below!

Deploy to the nations, healthy and effective in ministry.


Short-Term Trips
Join us in serving our global partners while learning about God’s mission and how we are called to engage in it.

Local Outreach & Service
Since we are called to be a blessing to our city, we desire to follow Christ practically though local ministries and partners.

Missionary Care
We love our partners that serve faithfully around the world and desire to serve them physically and spiritually.




We offer a number of classes to prepare our church family for their role in God’s story.

  • For upcoming Discover Your Role classes, click here.

    Discover Your Role is a one-time lunch class open to anyone interested in learning about missions at Redeemer and their role in God’s story.

    We meet on Redeemer’s campus. All are welcome, though it would be helpful if you could let us know you plan on attending so we can order enough food.

    Have any questions? Send Cole Shiflet, our Global Missions Director, a message.

    When does it take place? Quarterly

    What does it require? Nothing! Come as you are and we’ll take it from there.

  • In chapter 29 of Jeremiah, the Lord calls His people to seek the shalom (peace) of the city where God has placed them. Covering topics like biblical justice, poverty, race, and orphan care, this class is designed to help us better understand what it means to love our neighbors and seek God’s reconciling peace in Birmingham.

    When does it take place? Yearly in the Fall

    What does it require? Each class will consist of teaching, group discussion, and prayer. Additionally, there will be a weekly reflection assignment to be completed at home, as well as occasional practical ministry work.

  • From Genesis to Revelation, God’s redemptive plan has always been to create a people for Himself from every tribe, tongue, language, and nation. This four week class is designed to help believers see the missionary heart of God and to discover their role in fulfilling the Great Commission today and every day of their lives.

    When does it take place? Yearly in the Spring

    What does it require? Each class will consist of teaching, group discussion, and prayer. Additionally, there will be a weekly reflection assignment to be completed at home.

  • To find an upcoming Perspectives class in our area, click here.

    Perspectives on the World Christian Movement will meet for 15-weeks on God's heart for the nations and how you can be a part of His work. Perspectives features a dynamic array of 15 different experienced instructors teaching 15 exciting lessons. During the class we look at our faith through a Biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic lens. Come challenge yourself and grow in your understanding of how you can be involved in seeing the Great Commission accomplished through praying, welcoming, mobilizing, sending, and going!

    When does it take place? We offer Perspectives every few years.

    What does it require? Perspectives is high-commitment, high-reward. Each week will include various readings or homework outside of class. But the knowledge and insight that the class shares is invaluable.



We offer a number of training opportunities to prepare our church family to be effective disiple-makers.

  • For an overview of our Disciple-Making Group, check out our video!

    One of the goals of Redeemer's Missions Ministry is cultivating a missional lifestyle in our church family and practicing disciple-making together. One of the ways we make that a reality is through Disciple-Making Groups. These are small groups of believers who gather for ten weeks to grow in evangelism, discipleship, and prayer in the context of a team.

    So what do these groups do for ten weeks? The primary focus of this group is to encourage members into deeper times of fellowship, prayer, Bible study, and accountability as the team lives and ministers together in a missional community. "Mission" is not one of the purposes of the group - it is the reason the group exists.

    The groups gather once a week to look back on all that God has done that week, discuss what we have learned, and look ahead to what God will do in the coming week. We take time for worship and prayer, dive into God's word, and practice evangelism tools. But the primary focus of these groups takes place outside of the scheduled meeting times, with weekly missional rhythms we develop together. We also practice a 3-2-1 lifestyle - three hours a week with Jesus, two hours a week with the lost, and one hour a week in corporate prayer.

    Our prayer is that God will move in mighty ways in our midst through this group commitment.

    Though Disciple-Making Groups last for ten weeks, we hope to help you develop an enduring, missional lifestyle that will continue to replicate with other believers for years to come.

  • For an overview of our Missions Training Group, check out our video!

    Jesus said in the Gospels that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. It's a sad reality that we can recognize easily today. There are over 3 billion people who lack access to the Gospel. And yet, there are a thousand churches for each people group that has yet to hear Jesus' name. Our prayer at Redeemer is that every member seriously considers Jesus' call and asks themselves if God is sending them. Have you ever spent time praying, asking God to send you?

    Our Missions Training Group is a nine-month-long group of potential long-term missionaries who desire to be trained and equipped before launching to the field. This training was developed with feedback from missions leaders worldwide and has been utilized by numerous churches and sending agencies across America.

    These groups focus primarily on cross-cultural ministry with international students in Birmingham to simulate what life on the field might look like. We take a comprehensive look at God's word to inform our character and ministry skills as we prepare to serve Him in hard places. We hope participants will grow in confidence as we discuss a wide variety of topics such as abiding in Christ, church planting, and Biblical conflict resolution.

    Throughout the process, Redeemer's Missions Training Coordinators mentor participants to shepherd them to where the Lord is leading them. We also connect participants with teams from different missions organizations worldwide to help discern the best fit for each person.

    We hope that those who desire to move overseas are holistically healthy and effective in ministry as long as the Lord desires. If you are interested in learning more, we would love to talk with you!



We believe every disciple of Jesus is called to share their faith and work as a church family to bring the gospel to our city and around the world. Serving not only meets the needs of the church, but is also an avenue to grow spiritually and become connected to others at Redeemer.

  • We plan regular trips abroad every year, and we would love for you to join us. These trips focus on serving our global partners and learning about God’s mission and how we are called to engage in it.

    • Cyprus (Spring)
    • Peru (Summer)
    • Cyprus (Fall)

    Reach out to Hannah for more information!

  • We believe that we are called to be a blessing to our city of Birmingham, and we desire to follow Christ practically though local ministries and partners.

    We have a variety of ways to serve in our area, both with Redeemer and with Redeemer’s partners. Some options are:

    • Aspire Movement
    • M-Power
    • Avondale Elementary
    • ELI & Serving You
    • Adoption & Orphan Care Ministry
    • Prayer Ministry
    • International Ministry

    We encourage you to visit the Serve page on our website or to reach out to Hannah for more information!

  • Caring for our global partners well, both physically and spiritually, is a high priority for our church family. We have over a dozen partners all around the world, and if you’d like to be added to their newsletters in order to pray specifically for them, let us know.

    One of our primary means of missionary care is through our Home Groups. Each missionary is assigned to multiple home groups for encouragement and communication throughout the year. If you’re in a Home Goup, ask your leaders if they need help with this task, or volunteer to be your group’s care liaison. Reach out to Hannah for more information!

Upcoming Trips

Ministry Staff

Dwight Castle
Missions Pastor
Email Dwight

Cole Shiflet
Global Missions Director
Email Cole

Hannah Hicks
Missions Coordinator
Email Hannah

Ben Sciacca
Local Missions Coordinator
Email Ben

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