Missions Newsletter April 2023
From Dara Arbuthnot, Redeemer member
Part of the Redeemer Cyprus Team
During the last two weeks of March, 25 Redeemer members traveled to Northern Cyprus, in two groups to come alongside the Doub family in their long term ministry there. I was privileged to travel with the first group and as I write this the second group’s week is nearing its end. While I would love to share all the numerous aspects of the trip, from experiencing a new culture and the complexities of Northern Cyprus’ history and current political climate, to the excitement of growth at New Life Church both spiritually and physically as they have a new church building, I wouldn’t be able to do it justice in this quick summary.
Therefore, I’ll stick with what I know for sure and was a theme throughout all the interactions I had. God is faithful. What a truth that we can and should all cling to throughout all circumstances that arise in our lives. There is nothing that any one of us, His children, has or will go through that He has not already and He will be right there with us. When our plan doesn’t seem to be “working”, if we seek Him, He will be there to guide us. This reminder was repeated to me as I heard stories from the Doubs about their journey over the past eight years in Northern Cyprus. And from my fellow team of travelers who I grew to know as we spent all our waking hours together making old spaces new at the church building and walking the same paths as Paul and Barnabas at the ancient ruins of Salamis. And from the members and attendees at New Life Church whose lives are so vastly different from what I can even wrap my mind around but yet similar all the same.
This has encouraged me greatly and I pray I won’t lose sight of it as I transition back to everyday life here in Birmingham. I pray the same for each of you as well.