Missions Newsletter December 2021
Garden workday volunteers
As you reflect on and celebrate the Lord's goodness in your life this past year, here are a few of the many things we are thankful to the Lord for in the life of Redeemer. We would love to hear your stories of how the Lord has been faithful in 2021.
Redeemer commissioned and sent out 4 new partners to work with unreached people groups (Ellie, Lauren, Callie, and the Ostbys)
Redeemer members met and read the Bible weekly with non-believing friends from Taiwan, India, Iraq, Vietnam, China, and Saudi
100+ hours spent in corporate prayer
50 people dedicated 15 weeks of study to participate in our Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class
35 individuals committed to 10 weeks of participation in our Disciple Making Groups
In spite of fewer opportunites with our local partners, 153 people served through local missions events
In addition to our normal annual support, we gave an extra $90,000 to our global and local partners