Missions Newsletter - July 2021
Hello Redeemer Community Church,
If we have not met, please allow this message to serve as an introduction. It is with joy that we write to you as we prepare to move away from Birmingham after four years here, and we share with you God’s work in our lives. Our hope is to encourage you in continuing to pursue God’s direction in your life. As a family, we feel called to cross-cultural ministry. We believe in the sufficiency of the Holy Spirit to equip all of us for all good works we are called to pursue. Each day, we believe that we are each sent out by God in our present context.
Cross-cultural work became a passion for us after short-term missions. We had the opportunity to eat with former cannibals in Indonesia where the gospel kept us off the menu, and lived amongst agents and survivors of the Rwandan genocide where forgiveness could exist because Jesus first forgave us. Following our time in Rwanda, we were convinced of a calling to work in medical missions, married, trained in nursing and obstetrics and gynecology, and started our family. At times, we felt disqualified from missions due to our own health conditions, an inability to participate in subsequent experiences as hoped, and distance from our previous experiences. Gently, God continued to speak to us through mentors, homegroup, and during our participation in the mission cohort we decided to go.
Our conviction to serve somewhere with urgent spiritual and physical needs led us to join a mission organization with the same purpose. Independently processing, God gave each of us a love for the people of a poor country in Western Africa, presently dominated by Islam, and where the gospel may currently be freely shared. We are excited to announce to you that we, Stuart, Lindsay, Asa, Nathan, and Joseph, are new long-term partners with Redeemer Community Church and will be serving a first term at a hospital in West Africa through 2024.