Missions Newsletter - March 2021
What led you to sign up for the God's Heart for the City study?
I wanted Christian community that was also seeking the lost.
How would you describe God’s heart for Birmingham and Avondale?
The heart of Birmingham is crying out for help - they want the Lord they just don’t know it. I like Avondale because it is an emerging place. I dislike things about Avondale too - projects, semi-projects. God sees a lot of hurting people there and cares about them and wants us to care for them too.
Tell us your story about sharing in Avondale during the training (at the apartment complex with people who were not really interested).
After the training, we broke into groups and I got the chance to share with a few people in my apartment in Avondale down the street. They actually are often drunk and might’ve been at the time, but I could see they were very hurting people. We got to listen to them and their stories. I got to tell them some of my story and struggles with alcoholism and other things and got to share about Jesus. It was good to share in a group so I wasn’t in any danger.
I would tell everyone that you need to pray specifically to meet people and before you meet them really pray for them and not just go all guns blazing. It has to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Share how God has changed your life.
God changed me through that day because I felt like I was a part of something. You’ve got to receive before you can give and it was good to be filled up and equipped.