Missions Newsletter March 2022


Dear Redeemer,

I am honored to re-introduce myself. I’ve been part of Redeemer since the beginning. Redeemer first commissioned me in 2011 when I joined Engineering Ministries International (EMI) in East Africa. Since then I have been living overseas except for a few years when I returned to Birmingham and worked at an architecture firm. Currently I am the Infrastructure, Shelter, and Cash/Voucher Assistance Advisor for Medair—a Christian emergency relief organization—in South Sudan. My contract with Medair will end next month, and I will be returning to serve with EMI. This time I will manage their disaster response and disaster risk reduction program. They are allowing me to be based in Birmingham rather than the Colorado headquarters! This is an answer to prayer since I won’t need to start building community from scratch, which would be hard if I am traveling to respond to different disasters. 

Part of my transition back to EMI will include partnership development, a.k.a. support raising. Some non-profit organizations, like Medair, have a central fundraising system where staff like me don’t spend time to raise funds for my salary. EMI is not centrally funded for staff salaries, so I’ll start that process to join them full time. In the past, I have approached this in many ways. Please pray with me that I will be Spirit-led in this process whether reaching out to people directly, taking a George Muller approach, following Paul’s example of tent-making, or combining these.

When I return, I would love to answer any questions about my experiences, how I’ve seen God working in East Africa, disaster risk reduction and how this contributes to Kingdom work, etc. Please feel free to reach out to me at dunn.sarah.elizabeth@gmail.com! I have connections to other mission organizations and can be a resource. One of the hardest parts of returning is knowing what people are interested in talking about after I’ve been immersed in another context/culture. I’m praying faith and works (James 2:14-26) in equal measures for the Redeemer missions community!


Missions Newsletter April 2022


Missions Newsletter February 2022