Seeing the Risen Christ

John 20:1-18

discussion questions

  1. What sticks out to you in this Scripture? Or, what stuck out to you throughout
    Holy Week?

  2. Why is the resurrection important? Or asked another way, what would it mean for us
    if Jesus died for our sins but was not raised to life?

  3. What doubts or challenges do you have when it comes to believing in Christ's resurrection?

  4. Is there anything that helps strengthen your faith in Christ's resurrection?

  5. In John 20:16 we see that Mary recognizes and believes in the resurrected Lord immediately when he calls her by name. In what ways have you experienced the
    Lord calling you?

  6. How should we respond to the resurrection?

  7. Read Philippians 3:7-11. What does it mean to “know [Christ] and the power of his resurrection?” How can we come to know Christ and the power of his resurrection?


Feeding the Faithful and the Faithless (Morning)


The King is Here