Come & See

John 4:1–42


  1. What in particular most stuck out to you in the Scripture or from the sermon?

  2. Dwight said, “God chooses to use us in his pursuit of sinners in order that he might rescue them.” When you think about God choosing you to be a part of his work to evangelize and rescue sinners, what emotions do you have?

  3. How have you seen Jesus pursue you and open your eyes to see him clearly?

  4. Read Jeremiah 2:13 and reread John 4:13-14.  How have you experienced Jesus being a fountain of living water that satisfies your thirst? 

  5. Like the Samaritan woman, why should a “sent”/missional life be the natural response to seeing Jesus clearly?

  6. Reread John 4:34. What would it take for you to see missional living as one of your life’s biggest priorities and deepest satisfactions?

  7. Coming out of Missions Summit, what are one or two steps for you to take right now towards a more missional life? Who specifically can you share the good news of the gospel with this week?


The Calling of Ezekiel


The Spirit of Pentecost