How to Follow Jesus Faithfully in a Difficult Day
2 Timothy 2:1–7
What part of the Scripture most impacted you, and why?
What do you think it practically means to be “strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus?”
To what do you generally look for strength during challenging, hard or tiring times?
Cole commented that, “it is impossible for us to follow Jesus apart from Jesus. Self-sufficiency and self-reliance will not work.” How does this challenge or encourage you?
Who are the key people that “entrusted: the gospel to you? What do you think motivated them to share the gospel with you?
Is there anyone in your life right now to whom God might be calling you to “entrust” the gospel? What would obedience to that calling look like this week?
In this passage Paul gives three metaphors for the living the Christian life: we are to live with the undeterred and undistracted devotion of a soldier, with the discipline of an athlete, and with the faithfulness and hard work of a farmer. Which one of these do you most need to grow in this week, and how can you do so?