The Death of the Son of God (Morning)

Mark 15:33–39


  1. How are you moved or impacted reading this account of Jesus’ death?

  2. Do you resonate at all with being unmoved by or apathetic towards Jesus’ crucifixion? How can we respond to times when we’re not impacted by the Passion (Jesus’ suffering and death)?

  3. Are there any ways you are tempted to believe that you’re neglected by, separated from, or distant from God?

  4. How does this passage speak into anything you answered to the previous question?

  5. Read Hebrews 10:19-22. Now that the curtain is torn, what does it look like for us to take advantage of the access we all have to God through Christ? 

  6. How might God be calling you to worshipfully respond to Jesus’ crucifixion this week?


The Death of the Son of God (Afternoon)


The Mocking of Jesus (Afternoon)