Who Do You Say I Am?

Mark 8:22-33 

discussion questions

  1. Did anything in particular stick out to you in the Scripture, Joel’s sermon or
    Ben’s testimony?

  2. Since we started studying Mark, how has your answer to the question, “who do you say Jesus is” changed or expanded?

  3. In the same way that in Mark 8:24 the formerly blind man is able to physically see, but not make sense of what he is seeing, is there anything about the Christ that you see but are struggling to make sense of? Said another way, what about Jesus Christ do you think you only partially understand/grasp?

  4. What are some things that have helped you to “see Jesus clearly” (8:25)?

  5. Since we started studying Mark, how has your understanding of how we should respond to Jesus changed or expanded?

  6. Have you ever thought about Jesus' statement that he “must” suffer and be killed? How does that truth affect you?


Defining Disciple


Feeding the Faithful and the Faithless (Afternoon)