Get ready for

Vacation Bible School!

June 9 - 13
5:30-8:00 PM

Here’s what you need to know



Rising Kindergarten - 6th Graders

*Childcare for the younger children of volunteers available


Children’s Gatherings
June 9-12
5:30-8:00 PM

Family Celebration
June 13
5:30-7:30 PM


Redeemer’s Building



Registration is now open!


Our fun-filled week will teach children what it means to celebrate and declare the Good News of Jesus!   


*In order to help ensure that we have the volunteer support we need to prepare and execute this event, we will expect one parent from each family registered to fill at least one volunteer role before or during the week of VBS. Any evening that you serve, you may utilize our Mini-VBS childcare for younger children (ages 4 & under) who are not enrolled in the main program. Additionally, on nights when you are signed up to volunteer, we will provide dinner for you and your family starting at 4:45.

 Themes & Scriptures for the week

Our Memory Verse

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence."
Acts 2:28


Celebrate the Good News! | Luke 15:11-32


Everyone is Invited to the Party!  | Matthew 22:1-14 & Luke 5:27-32


Jesus Brings Life to the Party! | John 4:1-26, 39-42


The Ultimate Party Lasts Forever! | Revelation 19:1-10, 21:5-10, 22:1-9


We need tons of volunteers to make VBS a success! If you’d like to volunteer, sign up here.



  • There is a fee of $10 per child for registration to offset our T-shirt costs.

    Scholarships are available. Please email Regan for more information.

  • Snacks for children:
    All children will receive a snack during VBS, but meals are not part of the VBS program.

    Meals for Volunteers:
    You and your family may enjoy a free meal starting at 4:15 the evening(s) that you are signed up to serve. This is a way to show our appreciation for your ministry to our families and to make it convenient for you and your family to eat a meal prior to a busy evening when you serve!

  • Location:
    Drop off and Pick up will occur in the sanctuary. For safety, security and optimal traffic flow, we will enforce a one way entrance and exit as you drop off and pick up your child(ren) to their designated pew(s).

    Security Tag:
    On the first evening of VBS, you may arrive at 5:15 to pick up your child’s nametag, t-shirt, and your security tag. You will use this security tag the same way that you would use your tag on Sundays to verify that you are eligible to pick up your child. Please do not lose this tag. If you plan for someone else to pick up your child any evening of VBS, please text a clear picture of this tag to the authorized caregiver.

  • VBS registration will open to Redeemer attendees first.

    On Wednesday, April 3, we will open registration to families who are currently attending Redeemer. On April 17, we will open registration for any remaining slots to friends and others who would like to attend VBS.

  • Yes! All children must be pre-registered in order to attend VBS.

  • No, parents are required to serve in at least one volunteer role prior to or during the VBS week. Roles prior to VBS include decorating and other preparations or providing snacks for volunteers throughout the event. Roles during the event include assisting in an area such as games, Bible, Snacks, or Crafts, registration, security, and clean-up.

    Any evening that you serve, you may utilize our Mini-VBS childcare for younger children (4 & under) who are not enrolled in the main program. Additionally, on nights when you are signed up to volunteer, we will provide dinner for you and your family starting at 4:15. Sign ups for volunteer slots will open in April.

  • In order to participate in the main VBS program, children must turn 5 on or before August 31st, 2024. The activities, content, and immersive environments that we anticipate offering throughout this special week in our main program may overwhelm younger children.

    When volunteering, you may bring your children to our Mini-VBS childcare for ages 4 and under so that your younger children are cared for while you serve. They will enjoy age-appropriate lessons and activities and learn the same core concepts as our big kids each day!

  • Registration will close whenever slots are filled, or on June 1st, whichever comes first.

  • You may purchase additional t-shirts when you register your child at a cost of $12 per shirt. Children’s shirts are available in sizes Youth XS-Youth XL and adult shirts are available in sizes S-XXXL.