Missions Newsletter November 2022

From Kate Dickson, Redeemer member

In a few short days, I will be joining a small team from our church family to visit one of our long-standing partners in Cyprus. We can’t wait to join with our fellow workers, even for a brief time, in making His name known to those in Cyprus. Redeemer’s partners in Cyprus have seen God move in beautiful, shocking, and unexpected ways recently. We are looking forward to celebrating these victories with them and coming alongside their team in the work they are doing. 
We have been preparing by reading several books and this passage from J.D. Greear’s Breaking the Islam Code stood out to me. “The good news is, we serve a God who delights in doing impossible things. He called light out of darkness and told dead men to get up out of their graves. That God has promised to help us in this journey. In fact, he promised that if we would follow him he would teach us to be effective 'fishers of men.'" I pray that this passage would be true of not just our trip to Cyprus, but of our lives. May we believe the good news of the gospel and trust in His promises. 
Church, I am thankful that we are senders and goers. Both are equally valuable in God’s choreography of accomplishing His great purpose of calling all His children from every tribe, tongue, and nation. We have been called to be passionately God-centered, whether that is going out for the sake of the Name or remain helping to send others in a manner worthy of God. Our going is evidence of our church family’s Christ-filled soul.


Missions Newsletter December 2022


Missions Newsletter October 2022