Missions Newsletter October 2022


My name is John. I’ve been at Redeemer for about four and a half years. I'm really fortunate to have the privilege of moving to North Africa in January as a long-term partner with Redeemer to share the good news with people there.

The last 11 years I’ve been working toward relocating to a place where people have no access to the most important information there is: information about the most important human who’s ever walked this earth – a man named Jesus who lived in the Middle East a little over 2,000 years ago and was murdered there in his thirties.

He was an exceptionally kind, wise, and powerful man who unexpectedly died without putting up a fight, at the hands of men He could have destroyed with ease, and it turned out – people learned from Him later (after He walked out of the tomb He was buried in and walked around and reunited with His friends) – that He died knowingly as a sacrifice for the people who killed Him on grounds of absurd allegations, and for some people who wouldn’t be born until centuries later.

This information changes everything – and yet it’s mysteriously not within humans’ power to grasp in any significant way without the merciful intervention of God supernaturally opening their eyes to its crucial truth and beauty.

Were it not for hearing this information years ago from people I thought were fools, I would still be living a futile life of external polish but internal misery and be walking down a path that would be guaranteed to end in utter destruction after the few days I have left on this earth came to pass.

The idea that a lot of people haven’t ever heard that information and don’t know that this Man is God, that He actually created them in collaboration with His Father, and that He currently rules and controls the entire universe, has haunted me for a long time; I’m just fortunate to have an opportunity to be a small part of hopefully a fair number of people learning this information soon.

I’m using this space to reiterate this information that probably everyone who reads this already knows, because I love this information, and need to be regularly reminded of it.


Missions Newsletter November 2022


Missions Newsletter September 2022