Death & Taxes (Morning)
Mark 12:13–27
DIscussion questions
What sticks out to you most in the Scripture or from Joel/Dwight’s sermon?
Read Philippians 3:20. If our primary citizenship is in heaven, what are the implications
for our citizenship in America? How should that shape the way we think about politics
in general, as well as our dreams and fears for our country?What do you think it practically looks like to “render to God the things that are God's?”
Where is it most difficult for you to surrender to God/render unto God? Why do you
think that is?In what ways will our resurrected lives be different/better than our current worldly lives? Which of God's eternal promises are most comforting to you?
How would our hearts and lives be different if we fully trusted in the promises that God will assuredly fulfill in the resurrection?