Welcome Krystal Brummitt

Hello Redeemer Church Family!

First off, let me say how excited I am to be part of this church family as the Women's Discipleship & Care Director. I have been in Birmingham since 2015 (with a 14-month stint in Texas) and have many friends who are members of Redeemer. This is a church I have been grateful for from a distance for many years.

I did not grow up in church or hearing the gospel. I was invited to church for the first time by a friend in middle school. While still an unbeliever, I went on a mission trip to New York, where I heard someone teach from Ephesians 2. In that moment, I saw a clear picture that I was dead in my sin, and nothing could reconcile me to God apart from Christ. I had been striving to earn the love of God by being "good" and doing all the right things. I repented of my sin and my efforts to earn God's favor and placed my faith and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of my sin.

The church has been my truest sense of family from that moment forward. While in college, I began learning how to study the Bible and dove into theology. I realized that I, too, can think deeply about the things of God - that was not only reserved for pastors and ministry leaders. The Lord cultivated in me a love for His Word and His Church during those years.

All of that has led me to where I am today. I'm grateful for this opportunity to come alongside women as they walk with the Lord, and I'm thankful to be part of this church family. I hope that I'll have the opportunity to meet you and hear your stories in the coming months.

I'm also so excited to have joined this church family before the upcoming Women's Retreat on February 4th and 5th. I would love to meet you there and join you in hearing Courtney Doctor discuss the glorious hope that God offers us amid the chaos and despair we often feel. You can register for the retreat here.

Lastly, I'm only one of three women that have joined Redeemer's staff over the last few months. I hope you extend the same warm welcome to Sophie Fast and Kari Callahan as you have to me!


Krystal Brummitt
Women's Discipleship & Care Director


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