Discerning the Will of the Lord

Ephesians 5:8–17


  1. What stands out to you most in the Scripture passage?

  2. Describe the difference between walking in darkness versus walking in the light (5:8-9). What do you think it looks like to make decisions that invite God’s goodness into your life?

  3. When you are faced with decisions, both big and small, where do you go to help you make the right choice? Which voices or places influence you the most? 

  4. What do you think it means to understand the Lord’s will (5:17)? Whether by sharing what stuck out in Joel’s sermon or experiences in your own life, how do you think we can understand the Lord’s will?

  5. Is it easy to believe that obeying God is for your good? Why or why not? Share about a time in your life when obeying God seemed scary or costly but led to deeper joy. 

  6. Share about an area in your life where you are currently discerning the Lord’s will.
    Whether by splitting off into smaller groups or doing so collectively, spend time praying for these areas together. 


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